How To Test For Gonorrhea At Home

Here’s How At Home Gonorrhea Test Kits Work:
- Order a home testing kit online. (You even get free shipping!)
- Collect a sample using the easy-to-follow instructions.
- Return the sample off for testing. (More free shipping!)
- Receive your lab-certified results online in just days.
When you order myLAB Box’s gonorrhea test kit, it comes in one combo mail-in kit, which tests for both gonorrhea and chlamydia. Both are bacterial infections and often occur at the same time. They also both rarely show symptoms, but if they do show the symptoms are similar for both. For this reason, testing for them together makes the most sense.
What Is Included With a Gonorrhea Test Kit?
When testing for gonorrhea, it is important to test for oral and anal infections as well as genital infections, particularly for people who have engaged in oral or anal sex. In some cases, your gonorrhea test kit will be part of a panel that also screens for additional infections. In these combination packages, you can test for multiple infections using a single sample. These tests allow you to have a more comprehensive awareness of your overall health.
In some cases, your gonorrhea test kit is part of a panel that also screens for additional infections. In these combination packages, you can test for multiple infections using a single sample. These tests allow you to have a more comprehensive awareness of your overall health.
How Much Does a Gonorrhea Test Cost?
Your gonorrhea test cost depends on which gonorrhea test you are taking. You can go to a clinic or a medical facility to be tested, but if you are paying out-of-pocket, your gonorrhea test cost will be double what you would pay with an at-home health test. A Gonorrhea + Chlamydia test from myLAB Box costs $79. Adding extragenital tests (screens for anal and oral infections in addition to genital infections) for both STDs costs $179.
There are also a number of combination panel test kits that allow you to test for multiple common STDs and infections with a single sample set. The cost of these kits vary, but they give you a full picture of your health and put you on the right path to being a happier and healthier you.
Anyone who is sexually active is at risk for contracting gonorrhea and should be testing for it regularly. As one of the most common sexually transmitted infections (STI) in the country, it pays to know the facts. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that approximately 820,000 new infections occur in the United States each year. More than 2/3 of those infections are among people who are 15-24 years old.
When detected early, gonorrhea is curable. If it is left undetected or untreated, this Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) can cause serious health complications. It is a good idea to take a gonorrhea test if you know that you have had sexual relationship with someone else who has the infection.
Common Gonorrhea Symptoms and Warning Signs
While symptoms of gonorrhea can be difficult to recognize, there are some signs that both men and women should look out for. Some of these can include:
- itching
- swelling
- redness
- abnormal discharge
- tenderness
- an urge to urinate
In addition, men may notice a white, yellow, or green urethral discharge or testicular and scrotal pain. Women may experience symptoms that are similar to a common bladder or vaginal infection, increased vaginal bleeding or discharge between her periods.
Gonorrhea is especially serious for women since it can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID). PID can lead to chronic pain and damage the fallopian tubes, causing infertility. In addition, a pregnant woman can pass gonorrhea to her baby during delivery, leading to blindness and joint infection among other complications.
Remember that most sexually transmitted infections, including gonorrhea, often don’t show any symptoms. If you are sexually active, you should be testing for sexually transmitted infections and diseases on a regular basis regardless of whether you notice any of the symptoms listed above.
If you are taking a routine test, you may consider taking a panel test, which screens for multiple infections at once.
If You Engage in Oral or Anal Sex
Many people only associate sexually transmitted infections with the genital area. However, it is also possible to get gonorrhea and chlamydia in the throat and rectum areas as well. The glaring problem here is that clinics and doctor’s offices do not automatically test these areas. If someone goes down on you, it can be transferred from their mouth to your genitals. If you go down on another person, it can be transferred from their genitals to your mouth. This means that localized infections in the mouth or rectum often go undiagnosed, even if you get a genital test. For this reason, testing the mouth and rectum is especially important for individuals who engage in oral or anal sex.
Extragenital Signs and Symptoms of Gonorrhea
- discharge
- itching
- soreness
- bleeding
- painful bowel movement
What Happens If I Have Gonorrhea?
If you test positive, gonorrhea is treatable with medications that will both alleviate symptoms and cure the infection. Let your partner know that you’ve tested positive so they can take a gonorrhea test as well.
Obviously, safe sex is smart sex. But condoms can never fully protect you. They could potentially break or slip. In the case of gonorrhea, they also might not even cover the entire infected area.
That’s why everybody needs to get tested. Many men and women will contract gonorrhea during their lifetimes. As we mentioned earlier, gonorrhea is absolutely curable when detected early. But the only way to treat it is to know that you are infected in the first place. Regular testing is the key to a clean bill of sexual health. It’s the only way to avoid the potential complications that untreated gonorrhea can cause.
Think you have gonorrhea symptoms? Don’t wait, get tested!
- A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Interventions to Increase Repeat Testing in Patients Treated for Gonorrhea or Chlamydia at Public Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2005. .
- The Cost Effectiveness of Gonorrhea Screening in Urban Emergency Departments. Sexually transmitted diseases. 2005. .
- The incremental cost of screening, diagnosis, and treatment of gonorrhea and chlamydia in a family planning clinic. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 1989. .
- Sexually transmitted causes of urethritis, proctitis, pharyngitis and cervicitis. Medicine. June 2018. .
- Male urethritis with and without discharge: a clinical and microbiological study. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 1995. .
- Anorectal Gonococcal Infection. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1977. .
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