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Communications Policy

Last Updated: July 10, 2017

myLAB, myLAB Box and (collectively referred to as “myLAB”) will communicate with you via e-mail concerning details about your order and test results. If there is an issue that cannot be resolved via-email, myLAB may contact you via telephone at the phone number that you have provided. Our representatives respect your privacy and will always attempt to use the utmost discretion in our communications with you.

myLAB has a relationship with an affiliated physician network and STD experts licensed in every state in the United States. If you have a positive result, an affiliated physician will attempt to contact you via e-mail and/or telephone at the phone number you provided. If they are unsuccessful they will leave a discreet voicemail and send you an email. If a telephone number is no longer in service or is incorrect, our affiliated physicians may send a letter via certified mail to the address of record provided by you.

It is required by law in most states to report positive test results to the State Department of Health in Florida or Washington (the state in which the myLAB-affiliated lab facility is located) and the state in which you reside. The information is primarily used for aggregated statistical reporting for state and national disease tracking and preventive medicine activities. All information is reported and held confidentially with the Departments of Health as they are not allowed by law to share your personal information or results with third parties. If you have a positive result, a health department representative may contact you confidentially via telephone, e-mail or postal mail.