Flu Season : Take Precautions to Protect Your Sexual Health

It’s fall and that means it’s flu season. Most likely you’ve seen all those advertisements for flu shots and you’ve probably heard it from your doctor or pharmacist and on television. Getting a flu shot is smart, pretty easy, and costs next to nothing. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, “When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community.” CDC
It’s funny; we do all kinds of things to keep ourselves safe. We go to the doctor regularly. We look both ways when crossing busy streets. We wear our seat belts. And yet, when it comes to sexually transmitted infections like Herpes, Chlamydia and HIV we aren’t taking the necessary steps to keep ourselves safe. For most people, the flu will come and go, but an infection like herpes is with you for life.
Here at myLAB Box we think that preventive medicine should be applied to your sexual health. STDs are on the rise nationally and you need to take the necessary precautions to protect yourself. That includes using condoms and getting tested when you have a new partner. Taking preventative measures means that you understand a little bit about sexually transmitted infections, know your risks, and are having the necessary conversation with your partners to minimize risk. When you get tested for STIs or STDs you know where you stand. Then you can take steps to get the necessary meds and make sure your partner is protected as well.
The best sex is safe sex. Know the facts, get your at-home STD tests and then you can have some sexy, safe fun.
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