Which Chlamydia At Home Test Should I Use?

There are many chlamydia at home test options available through myLAB Box. Which one is appropriate for you will depend on your individual needs. There are test kits for people who participate in oral and anal sex, tests for women’s health and options for people who want to test for more than one infection at a time.
This is all great, since chlamydia is the second common new sexually transmitted infection in the United States. Not only that, but an untreated infection can cause major health complications. Among other complications, this includes infertility, life-threatening pregnancy, and long-term pelvic/abdominal pain.
Your Chlamydia At Home Test Options
Let’s review your chlamydia at home test options available to all myLAB Box customers. Choose the one that’s right for you. Then, you’ll be able to take full control over your health!
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia At Home Test
When to use it: Great news! This test is the same cost as our other single infection tests. However, when you test for chlamydia with myLAB Box, you also test for gonorrhea. That’s a great bonus! Gonorrhea, it turns out, is the fourth most common new sexually transmitted infection in the United States. The two infections are tested together because they are often found together or are mistaken for one another. When considering all bases, we have you covered.
What it tests for: gonorrhea and chlamydia in the genital region
Three-Site Extragenital Test
When to use it: If you participate in oral or anal sex, this test is perfect for you. The fact is, a standard test at the clinic or medical facility will not screen for infections in the mouth or rectum unless you specifically say that you engage in oral or anal sex. Often, this results in infections that remain undiagnosed. Truth is, this three-site test will be sure to diagnose any chlamydia or gonorrhea infection that may be present.
What it tests for: gonorrhea and chlamydia in the genitals, mouth and rectum.
When to use it: This women’s health focused test kit screens for the common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge. This panel uses advanced DNA technology to detect the specific genetic material causing the infection in order to deliver extremely accurate results.
What it tests for: yeast, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea.
Safe Box
When to use it: This 5-panel test addresses 71% of new infections that occur in the United States. Note: this does not include Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is only recommended for women who are 30 years of age and older. An HPV test is available in the Total Box (see below) or by clicking here.
What it tests for: HIV (I & II), Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and Trichomoniasis.
Uber Box
When to use it: This is the most popular test offered by myLAB Box. After all, it screens for the most common sexually transmitted infections in the United States!
What it tests for: HIV (I & II), Hepatitis C, HSV-2, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomoniasis.
Love Box
When to use it: This test for couples allows you and your partner to get on the same page about both your relationship and your health. What better way to start a relationship than with full transparency?
What it tests for: This panel includes two kits, each of which screen for the following: HIV (I & II), Hepatitis C, HSV-2, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomoniasis.
Total Box
When to use it: This is the mother of all testing options. This 14-panel test kit screens for all major sexually transmitted infections. In fact, it is the most comprehensive at-home test kit on the market. How’s that for thorough?
What it tests for: HIV (I & II), Hepatitis C, HSV-2, Syphilis, Chlamydia (genital, throat and rectal), Gonorrhea (genital, throat and rectal), Trichomoniasis and Mycoplasma genitalium. HPV is an optional add-on for women 30 years of age and older.
There you have it. There are so many chlamydia at home test options to choose from. It really leaves no excuse not to get tested – for chlamydia and any number of other infections. Don’t stress, just test!
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Total Box
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