5 Ways At Home STD Test Kits Are Easier Than Going to a Clinic

Using at home STD test kits makes your life way easier than going to a clinic. Now is the time to live your life instead of worrying about sexually transmitted infections. That said, it is also extremely important to take STIs seriously and test regularly. Now, how exactly do you achieve both of these things? As the title of this article suggests, at home STD test kits are the answer you’ve been looking for. Who knew that keeping up with your health could be so easy?
Why At Home STD Test Kits Are Easier Than Going to the Clinic
No Waiting
Breathe a sigh of relief – you can skip the doctor’s office waiting rooms! No more sitting in a crowded room listening for your name to be yelled across it. Truthfully, using at home STD test kits only takes about five minutes. When you think about it, that’s less time than you would spend waiting for your name to be called at the clinic. In fact, the whole testing process, from when you order online until the moment you receive your results can take from a few days to a week and a half depending on how quickly you mail your kit back. Even better, your at home test can be done at any time and from any place. No waiting is required.
myLAB Box’s at home STD test kits are about half of the out-of-pocket prices that you would pay at most clinics and medical facilities. STD tests, because they are sometimes considered preventive tests, may not be covered by health insurance. Unfortunately, insurance may cover some tests, but you may have to pay out-of-pocket for the rest. If you don’t have insurance, the entire testing process can seem nickel-and-dimed.. On top of that, myLAB Box accepts most Flexible Savings Account (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA) payment cards as well.
No Awkward Conversations
Speaking honestly with your doctor is important. However, the sad truth is that many people don’t do this. For some people, speaking openly to your medical professional can be nerve-wracking. For others, feeling awkward or having a fear of judgment can prevent them for speaking up. Whatever the reason, talking about your sexual lifestyle and activities with a stranger can be as uncomfortable as it is important. The fact is, if your health care provider doesn’t know about your sexual preferences, she may not have the information needed to properly test you for sexually transmitted infections. For instance, a standard STD test will screen for genital chlamydia and gonorrhea. However, if you engage in oral or anal sex, you also should be screened for oral and rectal infections. This requires a separate “Extragenital” test that is not part of the standard screening. When you use myLAB Box at home STD test kits, you can order the test that best fits your needs. No awkward conversations necessary.
Imagine being tested for STDs without having to have your name yelled across a waiting room. With at home screening, your tests are your business and no one else’s. Not only that, but myLAB Box’s secure user portal allows you to access your results privately. A short time after you send your sample, or samples, back to the lab, you will receive an email to let you know that your results are ready. Then, you can log into the user portal to access your results. After all, when you test at a clinic, your often only hear about your results if they are positive. With myLAB Box, you will get timely results no matter what.
As you can now tell, the process of at home testing is very easy and convenient. First, you order your test online. You can choose between all of the most common infections. Even better, you can choose a combination panel that will test for multiple infections at once. For example, the most popular myLAB Box testing option is the Uber Box, which tests for eight infections with one sample set. After you place your order and receive the test kit, you can take your test. This only takes about five minutes and can be done at any time and from any place. Then, mail the sample, or samples, to the lab in the pre-paid return envelope. Last, you will check your results safely and securely online. If you test positive, you will have a free phone consultation with a local physician so you never need to step foot in the clinic to screen for sexually transmitted infections again.
There you have it. Once you understand how much easier it is to use at home STD test kits rather than go to the clinic, you won’t have to test the old-fashioned clinic way again! Remember, don’t stress, just test!
Reviewed by Luis Ferdinand M. Papa, MD, MHA
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