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Is There A Home Test For Testosterone Levels?

Experiencing lowered levels of testosterone is typical as men age. However, low levels of testosterone can affect you no matter what age you are. Underlying health problems such as obesity, pituitary gland disorder, and specific injuries can cause low testosterone levels.

Luckily, there are at home testosterone test kits that will help determine if your testosterone levels (T levels) are normal. Let’s discuss the details of at home testosterone testing.

What is Testosterone?

The hormone, testosterone, is typically associated with masculinity and belongs to a group or hormones known as androgens. However, women also produce the hormone. Too little or too much in men or women can indicate serious underlying health problems.

The testicles make testosterone in men, and the ovaries make testosterone in women.

The hormone is responsible for an array of traits including body hair, muscle mass, aggression, and strength. Men with lower levels may notice a reduction in these traits, while women may notice the opposite. It is important for both men and women to maintain an optimum balance of testosterone. Most of the time, our bodies maintain our hormone levels and it is not something we have to worry about. However, medical advice and treatment are needed when testosterone levels are out of balance.

Why is Testosterone Important?

Testosterone is very important in men and is responsible for many things including bone mass and red blood cell production. In females, testosterone plays an important part in the growth and continued maintenance of reproductive tissues and bone mass. Testosterone testing at home is a convenient way to know if health problems are caused by a lack or excess of the hormone.

In some cases, age is not the cause for imbalanced testosterone levels and it may be caused by a medical condition. Here is a list of medical conditions that have been linked to low testosterone levels in men:

  • Thyroid dysfunction
  • Testicular cancer
  • Infections
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Kidney disease

Symptoms of Low Testosterone (hypogonadism)

For men, symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Low sex drive
  • Decrease in muscle mass
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Decrease growth in body/facial hair
  • Fatigue
  • Hot flashes
  • Trouble with concentrating
  • Infertility
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Depression
  • Low self-esteem
  • Male breast changes
  • Changes in cholesterol

For women, symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • Sluggish behavior
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle weakness
  • Decrease in bone density
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Reduced sex drive
  • Decrease in sexual satisfaction
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Irregularity in menstrual cycles
  • Issues with fertility

Symptoms of High Testosterone (hypergonadism)

Symptoms of high testosterone in men include:

  • Increased levels of aggression
  • Decreased sperm count and infertility
  • Increased growth in body/facial hair
  • Early puberty in young men
  • Increased risk taking behaviors
  • High red blood cell count
  • High blood pressure
  • Increased acne
  • Increased libido

Symptoms of high testosterone in women include:

  • Menstrual cycle irregularity
  • Absence of period
  • Excess growth of body hair
  • Acne
  • Hairline recession
  • Enlargement of clitoris
  • Decreased breast size
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Abnormally oily skin
  • Voice deepening

Many factors can affect total testosterone levels. High or low levels do not necessarily indicate an immediate serious health problem. However, you should consult with your physician if you have tested your testosterone levels and they are abnormal.

Normal and Abnormal Levels of Testosterone

A normal testosterone level range for men is 300-1,000 nanograms per deciliter. The normal range for women is significantly lower, between 15 and 70 nanograms per deciliter. However, these levels will fluctuate throughout your life. After the age of 40, testosterone levels in men will decrease on an average of 1% each year. This is was erectile dysfunction is more common in men over 40. Also, people with obesity, no matter what age, typically have low levels of testosterone.

Women who have too much testosterone may start to grow facial hair, see a decrease in breast size, develop acne or develop a deeper voice. A possible cause of too much testosterone in women is polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, which can make it difficult to get pregnant and also interfere with menstruation cycles.

Abnormally high or low T levels can indicate ovarian or testicular cancer. Low T levels can be an indicator of a chronic illness.

When to Test

If you have been feeling any of the symptoms detailed in this article, it may be time to take a testosterone test. The most cost-effective and discreet way to test your levels is to take an at home testosterone test. Afterall, men and women don’t only rely on testosterone for hormonal balance but also for proper physical function.

The Testosterone Home Test

myLAB Box offers an at home saliva test that is discreet and easy to use. Our home test offers a comprehensive hormone testing panel and easy to understand instructions. Our testing kits are ideal for men or women who want a better understanding of their testosterone levels so they can determine possible causes of symptoms they are experiencing.


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