How Long Does an STD Test Take?

How long does an STD test take? That depends. If you’re going to a clinic, it may take you all day. Fortunately, using a home STD test is far quicker.
How Long Does an STD Test Take?
If you’re testing at a clinic, a routine screening can become a real time-sink. You may need to make an appointment, take time off from work, travel to the nearest clinic, and then sit in a waiting room. Get comfy, the wait can be brutal. What’s more, you might need to do it all again for a necessary follow-up visit!
An at-home STD test from myLAB Box is a much easier solution. The whole process requires only five minutes of your time. It’s easy! Simply order your test online and you’re on your way to a clean bill of sexual health.
myLAB Box tests for all of the most common STDs, including syphilis, genital herpes, HIV, hepatitis C and more. You may also choose to test for multiple infections at once with a 4-panel, 8-panel or 14-panel testing combo package.
Your home testing kit will be discretely shipped to your door in a few short days. There’s no need to make any inconvenient appointments. Once your package arrives, you can screen yourself in only five minutes. Depending on which infection you are screening for, you will be required to provide a swab, urine sample, or a blood sample. Fortunately, our included instructions will make this process easy!
Even better, you can take your test any time and any place. Afterwards, just pop your sample back in the mail. Your lab-certified results will be available online in a matter of days.
Let’s Talk Results
Now you know the answer to “How long does an STD test take?” As you can see, testing yourself is a remarkably quick process. Of course, now you’re probably wondering about those results. After all, the time that passes before receiving your results can be terrifying.
When it comes to testing at a clinic, it can be tough to nail down a clear answer. Many clinics will only follow up with your results if you test positive. That leaves many people completely unsure of their overall status. You may need to do the legwork yourself if you want a definitive diagnosis. With myLAB Box’s at home STD tests, everyone gets an answer.
After the lab receives your sample, you’ll receive your results within 2-8 days. An email notification with a link to our secure portal will be sent as soon as the results become available. The total time, from ordering online to getting your private results, is 3-11 days, depending on shipping time.
myLAB Box aims to make frequent at-home STD screening as easy and convenient as possible. You can count on us to help you take full control of your health with as little stress as possible!
Reviewed by Luis Ferdinand M. Papa, MD, MHA
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