Signs of STDs in Seniors

STDs On the Rise for Senior Citizens—quite a headline isn’t it?
And, a little scary given that so many older adults—boomers—have reentered the dating market. Older adults are having plenty of sex, even those old enough to be in assisted living facilities. We assume that sexually transmitted infections or diseases are for the young. And, we’re wrong. Statistics show an increasing number of older adults are getting STDs. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the chlamydia rates alone jumped more than 32% among 45 to 64 year-olds between 2007 and 2011, and syphilis rates increased more than 15% during the same period. Source
This is the group of adults less likely to get tested or use protection. It’s about misunderstanding, fear and shame, compounded by a lack of education. We don’t want to think our parents and grandparents are having sex. Most doctors, sex educators and dating sites aren’t focused on giving older adults the necessary tools for safe sex. And, shame is keeping many older women and men from asking for advice, getting tested, or learning how to talk to their partners about sex.
Having sex shouldn’t be a scary thing. You deserve resources, information and education designed to help you make safe choices. We think that ‘safe is sexy’ and our job is to provide you with STD/STI testing options to make you feel comfortable getting tested. Our at-home std testing is simple and confidential.
Sex after 40 can be lots of fun as long as you’re being careful. Safety is important to your peace of mind and your sexual health.
Signs of STDs present themselves in the same way, regardless of age. Seniors are now increasingly more likely to contract STDs for a variety of reasons. However, since people (including doctors) don’t often associate the elderly with sexual activity, seniors with STDs often go undiagnosed.
Yes, even the elderly have sex
Combine effective treatment for erectile dysfunction with postmenopausal partners who aren’t concerned with pregnancy. Because of this, the elderly are having more unprotected sex than ever.* Active sex lives take place in seniors homes, assisted living centers, and basically anywhere seniors congregate in numbers. However, just as with young people, where there is sex, there are STDs.
The signs of STDs
Knowing the symptoms is crucial to early treatment. Some symptoms that are common to STDs–such as a sore throat, frequent urination, lower abdominal pain, joint pain or fatigue–are also common symptoms of other health issues common to seniors. Since many people may not think of seniors as being sexually active, caregivers or family members may dismiss these symptoms. This means never getting a diagnosis or treatment.
It’s important to be familiar with all of the symptoms common to STDs and not be dismissive of the fact that seniors are still capable of having passionate, active sex lives.
Testing for seniors
Discussing sexual activity with loved ones, caregivers and doctors can be awkward for seniors. Fortunately, there are options available that can ease the uncomfortable tension that goes along with those conversations. At home testing is easy, affordable and accurate.
STDs common among seniors** run the gamut from gonorrhea to HIV, so a multi-panel combination test that screens for the 10 most common STDs is probably a good idea.
Young or old, myLAB Box is helping to keep people sexually healthy and sexually active.
Get tested today and enjoy an active sex life for many more years.
For your reference:
* **
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