What Does HIV Rash Look Like?

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For countless people with HIV, a rash is one of the first symptoms that will appear and have noticeable effects. That is because once the virus enters your body, naturally occurring HIV antibodies form in an attempt to fight off the infection. Since HIV is an infection that attacks your immune system, there is no single rash that can lead to a positive HIV diagnosis. As HIV settles into your body, it makes you open to catching infections that a healthy immune system would be able to fight off. If you have developed a rash and are worried you might have been infected with HIV, it’s time to take the necessary steps ensuring stable health. If a rash appears it most likely won’t itch. Rather, it will be flat in appearance and could appear anywhere on the body. Often, this rash is accompanied by flu-like symptoms that rarely raise alarm. This process is called a sercoconversion rash and occurs as the body naturally produces HIV antibodies. It may be accompanied by a fever or swollen lymph nodes and a rash that covers large areas of your body. It’s very noticeable and should raise a natural alarm. Another possible skin infection that accompanies HIV diagnosis is called cellulitis. This infects the deepest layer of skin and is either irritable or painful. It causes swelling and is usually triggered by a small cut or lesion somewhere on the body. Cellulitis can cause the skin to become hot to the touch as red streaks appear across the surface. Other skin rashes and infections HIV antibodies can cause include:- Herpes – People with HIV are inadequately prepared to fight off either Herpes simplex virus and can cause worse symptoms in people with HIV.
- Molluscum Contagiosum – This is a wart-like condition that can cause lesions and spread to other people. The lesions are usually painless and skin tone.
- Folliculitis – This is caused by an infected hair follicle and can appear all over the body. It’s common in shaven areas and can be very painful
- Dermatitis – This is a commonly seen skin infection in people with HIV. It can infect all over the body and usually gets worse over time.
- Psoriasis – Similar to dermatitis, psoriasis is a skin infection that produces scaly patches of skin that are very itchy and irritable.
- Scabies – This is caused by a mite that burrows itself under your skin and infects an area. The bumps are often surrounded by lines that show the mites entrance.
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