It’s that time of year when we begin thinking about the gratitude. Typically we’re grateful for all the things we have—a place to live, a good friend or partner, things we love doing. What about all those things we don’t have. We can be grateful for those too, in a way that isn’t narcissistic or […]
It’s fall and that means it’s flu season. Most likely you’ve seen all those advertisements for flu shots and you’ve probably heard it from your doctor or pharmacist and on television. Getting a flu shot is smart, pretty easy, and costs next to nothing. As the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes, “When more people […]
When you’re in a haunted house it’s the fear of what’s around the next corner that makes you nervous, right? What if ‘this’ pops up? Or suppose there’s a gory image in the next room. Lots of people feel the same way when they think about STDs. Are you a bit spooked by the idea […]
All the rules change when you get to college—curfews fall away, parental supervision disappears and you’re left to navigate all on your own. You will be exposed to strangers and larger numbers of possible partners than you probably experienced in high school. It can be a heady experience. And it may be a little scary—so let’s have the sex […]
You and your new partner have sent in your test kits, now you’re waiting for results. What are you going to do while you wait? All too often we rush into sex without getting to know each other. Taking it slow can make things all that juicier and exciting when you finally do have sex. […]
As a single woman, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had men tell me they don’t need STI testing because they don’t have sex with “that kind of people.” My girlfriends too seem to be under the impression that because their date is a “nice guy” or “a relationship type,” he must be […]
Condoms are great in protecting you from most STDs and are a staple of safe sex. The popular assumption is that by always using condoms sexually transmitted infections cannot be transmitted. Wrong. Let’s look at a the facts: Myth: We used condoms so we are 100% safe from herpes Latex condoms offer the best protection […]
How often do we hear people say they didn’t really have sex-because she only gave him a blowjob or he just went ‘down on her’. The assumption is that by sex is defined as intercourse, and if we aren’t having ‘sex’ we are protected from a sexually transmitted infection. Wrong. Let’s look at a the facts: Myth: […]
Order Your At Home STD Test Now Did you know if you found your partner online, you are more than three times more likely to get an STD from them than if you met them the old fashioned way?* Can you be fully in charge of your own sexual health and navigate online dating successfully? […]
Winter weather is perfect for cozy nights in front of the television–watching movies with a partner, or even alone, is a fun pastime. And, it’s a great way to add a little zest to your sex life. You can choose an erotic film or a movie with a hint of sex to stir up your imaginations. The same […]
Published on January 19, 2015 by mpetkovictest258963
Cold weather does a number on skin and hair. Dry skin, chapped lips, hair that lies flat—what’s a girl, or a guy, to do? What about ‘other’ parts of your body. Are you paying attention to your sexual health? Scented lotions and creams are fine for hands and neck, but scents and artificial ingredients are […]
Whether you plan on having a family now or in the future, start by having safer sex today. Take a peak at this snapshot history of condoms and contraception as we know it today and see what our friends at NeoMam Studios and Lloyd’s Pharmacy think could be a possible future for birth control. What do […]